Specialising in
Bowen Therapy, MLD/CDT, Scar Tissue Release

For more information

Hello - I'm Gail Tumes - SumetBodyworx
​SumetBodyworx, in Forest Lake, commenced business after many years of desire to have a career in holistic healthcare and to provide more than just the ‘band-aid’ approach to health.
Gail has studied, practiced and taught, a unique combination of modalities to bring you the best results from your treatments.
Now Gail's sole focus is on her many clients (new and returning) who have benefitted from these specialities.
Gail is a past member on the Board of the Bowen Therapy Federation of Australia helping raise the awareness and benefits of Bowen Therapy and visibility of BTFA members.
​From the moment you speak with, or meet Gail, you will be treated to a warm and professional experience.
Gail regularly undertakes personal development to ensure her skills are in line with the latest industry information and improvements in holistic care.
When not working, you will find Gail cooking up a storm for her family (all males including the big boofy dogs), head buried in books of all descriptions, supporting local community events, OR on the receiving end of a treatment which has been part of her life for 40+years.
A love of adventure and travel has also presented Gail with many learning opportunities from other cultures broadening her knowledge and experiences which she brings to her Clinic.
I hope to meet you soon and guide you on your
journey to the "pinnacle of body balance"
Diploma (Bowtech) - Specialised Bowen Therapy
Bowen Technique (Bowtech) - Specialised Procedures I & II
Bowenwork People Living with Cancer
Mind, Body & Bowen
Lymphatic Drainage/Massage (Complex Decongestive Therapy)
MYO- MLD (Lymphatic Massage) Adv
Cold Laser Therapy
Art of Bowen
McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release
Functional Muscle Assessment
Tensegrity Medicine I & II
Safety First & CPR
BTFA Member No. T17538
BTFA Board Member (Past )
Lymphoedema Academy of Australia - Member 1153
Lymphoedema Association of Australia - Member 121
Professional Indemnity / Public & Products Liability